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Environmental Policy

The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Environmental Policy



Stalisfield Village Hall Trust recognises that our activities, and those of our users, may impact the environment.  We aim to comply with environmental laws, and seek to promote sound environmental practice in our activities.


Our aim is to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory requirements, promote awareness of our environmental policy to users, minimise waste through reuse and recycling and to minimise energy and water consumption and promote the efficient use of resources.


Minimise and Conserve

We aim to reduce the resources we consume, such as energy and water, and minimise the amount of waste we produce.

Noise Pollution

We will inform all users that it is incumbent on them to ensure noise is kept to a reasonable level.

We are mindful that the hall is in a residential area, and users must be considerate to our neighbours.

Recycle and Reuse

Where practicable and affordable, we aim to reuse materials, recycle waste, and encourage users of Stalisfield Village Hall to do likewise.

Measure and Monitor

Stalisfield Village Hall Trust will review this policy annually

Inform and Communicate

We will make our environmental policy publicly available, and promote recycling and reuse via our

Terms and Conditions of hall hire. Copies of this statement will be made available on request



Version 2. Reviewed July 2023

The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT)Safeguarding Policy


1. Purpose

This policy defines how Stalisfield Village Hall operates to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

We have a duty of care and are committed to the protection and safety of everyone who enters our premises including children, young people and adults at risk involved as visitors and/or as participants in all activities and events. We also have a duty to safeguard and support our trustees, volunteers, and staff.

2. Definitions

Children and young people are defined as those persons aged under 18 years old. This policy will apply to all staff, contractors and volunteers and will be used to support their work.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment

  • preventing impairment of children’s health and development

  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with provision of safe and effective care

  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


Adult at risk of abuse or neglect

For the purposes of this policy, adult at risk refers to someone over 18 years old who, according to paragraph 14.2 of the Care Act 2015:

  • has care and support needs

  • is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect

  • as a result of their care and support needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.

If someone has care and support needs but is not currently receiving care or support from a health or care service, they may still be an adult at risk.


3. Persons affected

  • All trustees, volunteers, and staff

  • All those attending any activity or service that is being delivered from the property

  • All visitors and contractors


4. Policy principles

There can be no excuses for not taking all reasonable action to protect adults at risk of abuse, exploitation, radicalisation, and mistreatment. All citizens of the United Kingdom have their rights enshrined within the Human Rights Act 1998. People who are eligible to receive health and community care services may be additionally vulnerable to the violation of these rights by reason of disability, impairment, age, or illness.

Stalisfield Village Hall charity has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse.

Stalisfield Village Hall charity recognises that under the Care Act 2014, it has a duty for the care and protection of adults who are at risk of abuse. It also recognises its responsibilities for the safety and care of children under the Children Act 1989 and 2004. 

Stalisfield Village Hall charity is committed to promoting wellbeing, harm prevention and to responding effectively if concerns are raised.


Stalisfield Village Hall Trustees are committed to the following principles:


  • The welfare of the child, young person or adult at risk is paramount

  • All children, young people and adults at risk have the right to protection from abuse

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: for services to be effective each professional and organisation should play their full part; and

  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse must be properly reported to the relevant internal and external authorities and dealt with swiftly and appropriately.


  • All members of the committee will have signed the Trustee Statement of Eligibility form* for trustees which includes a declaration that they have no convictions in relation to abuse.

  • All members of the committee will familiarise themselves with safeguarding responsibilities.

  • All members of the committee will work together to promote a culture that enables issues about safeguarding and promoting welfare to be addressed.

  • All members of the committee, helpers or other volunteers will not have unsupervised access to children or adults at risk unless appropriately vetted.

  • The hall committee will follow safe recruitment practices.


  • A member/members of the committee will be appointed to be responsible for child and adult at risk safeguarding matters, and have responsibility for reporting concerns that arise, as a matter of urgency, to the relevant authority.


The named person is Rose West.


  • All suspicions or allegations of abuse against a child or adult at risk will be taken seriously and dealt with speedily and appropriately. The appointed persons will know who to contact and where to go for support and advice in relation to an allegation a concern about the quality of care or practice or a complaint. An allegation may relate to a person who works with children or adult at risk who has:

  • behaved in a way that has harmed a child or adult at risk or may have harmed same.

  • possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or adult at risk; or

  • behaved towards a child or children or adult at risk in a way that indicates a risk of harm to children.

  • The Trustees will ensure that all hirers of the hall have signed a hiring agreement.This will require all hirers who wish to use the hall for activities which include children and adults at risk, , to produce a copy of their Safeguarding Policy and evidence that they have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

  • The village hall trustees will carry out an annual review of this policy.

The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Finance Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the Trustees who are involved with managing the The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) funds and to ensure that there are adequate internal financial controls over the charity’s assets and their use.


This policy covers all financial activities associated with SVHT, including financial controls, monitoring activities, internal audits, financial information and communication, Trustee responsibilities, receipt of income, banking procedures, purchases and expenses.  The individuals falling within the scope of this policy include Trustees, Committee Members, Volunteers and employees.  This policy particularly applies to Trustees.

Trustees responsibilities

 The Treasurer shall present to the Board of Trustees each annual general meeting the

report and accounts of the charity for the preceding year.


SVHT accepts and implements the guidance provided by the Charity Commissioners in the management of its operations, as follows:


1. The trustees of SVHT are under a duty to ensure that the charity keeps proper books and records, and that annual accounts are prepared.  The trustees must also prepare an Annual Report. The Annual Report and accounts should conform to any relevant requirements and recommendations.


2. Trustees must ensure that the accounts are subjected to scrutiny, as required by legislation or by the charity’s governing document.


3. Trustees need to formally approve the charity’s Annual Report and accounts.


4.  All trustees are provided with copies of the charity’s report and accounts each year. New trustees ought to be given a copy of the latest accounts on appointment, together with other essential documents such as the governing document, and information about the charity’s history.


Controls over expenditure

It is important for trustees to bear in mind that they are responsible for all expenditure of charitable funds and have to account for how the charity’s funds have been applied. A minimum of two trustees are required to authorise any payment out from the charity funds.  Where expenses are being reimbursed to a Trustee, they cannot be one of these authorised signatories.


Controls over purchases

Trustees have a responsibility to ensure that adequate checks are made to both confirm that purchases have been properly authorised by a minimum of 2 trustees and that goods or services ordered have actually been received.



Controls over Public Donations and Legacies

The Trustees are responsible for ensuring that when a public donation or legacy is offered to SVHT that the treasurer confirms to the trustees that the party donating are personally known to SVHT and that any attached conditions are acceptable if they support the purposes of the charity and do not introduce any conflict of interest. If the donating party is not known to SVHT then it is necessary to carry out a Know Your Client Procedure. Donations and Legacies that do not support the charitable purposes for SVHT will not be accepted.


Trustees’ liabilities

If funds are lost through trustees neglecting their duty of care they could be held personally liable to repay to the charity the funds lost. However, if reasonable controls are in place and have been adhered to, then trustees are unlikely to find themselves in the position of having to make good any such loss.



The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Conflict of Interests Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to relevant individuals who are involved with managing The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) and its associated activities to ensure that all such individuals act in the best interests of the charity and its beneficiaries.



This policy covers all activities associated with The Stalisfield Village Hall. The individuals falling within scope of this policy include Trustees, Committee Members, Volunteers and employees. This policy particularly applies to Trustees and Committee members or volunteers and employees who are involved with the work of awarding contracts or payments to organisations or individuals providing services to Stalisfield Village Hall.


If an individual working with or representing SVHT makes a decision or takes an action influenced by their personal circumstances or their involvement with another organisation, then they are in conflict of interest.

Roles and Responsibilities

All relevant individuals have a responsibility to be aware of the potential for a conflict of interest.

The ultimate responsibility for the management of potential and actual conflicts of interest rests with the trustees.

The Village Hall Committee and Trustees are responsible for communicating the Conflict of Interest Policy to all relevant individuals.

A register of any potential conflicts of interest will be maintained and reviewed regularly by the Trustees.

All individuals associated with Stalisfield Village Hall management or activities have a responsibility to report any known conflict of interest to The Board of Trustees.

If a trustee, committee member, volunteer or employee has a conflict of interest, they must declare this to the other trustees and not be part of any meetings or discussions on that subject.

If an individual’s actions have been identified as a conflict of interest then the Board of Trustees must take appropriate action which after due consultation with the individual involved can include exclusion from certain activities and if appropriate resignation.

Version 2. Reviewed March 2021



Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Health and Safety Policy


To support the trustees and management committee in taking all reasonable measures to ensure that the hall, and any equipment provided there, are safe for the purposes of all users.


This policy relates to the village hall building and all activities taking place within the hall, and the adjoining outside area that is the responsibility of the hall trustees. The individuals falling within the scope of this policy include Trustees, Committee Members, Volunteers, Hall users and where appropriate contractors or individuals providing services to the village hall.


Roles and Responsibilities

Trustee and Committee Responsibilities

SVHT recognise their duty in ensuring that measures are in place to protect all users as identified in the scope of this policy from risks to their health and safety as far as is reasonably practicable. The Trustees will support the Committee through the formation of policy and risk assessment procedures.

The above will be achieved by advising all users to:

  • Identify and assess risks to which people in their activity are likely to be exposed

  • Introduce specific measures as appropriate to minimise these risks

  • Adopt safe working practices

  • Provide a register for the use by any users enabling report of any relevant incident, or suggestions for improvements.

  • Where appropriate receive instruction and training to enable them to perform their work/ activities safely and effectively.

  • Ensure that appropriate Employers and Public Liability insurance cover is in place.

Volunteers Staff and User Responsibilities

Every village hall user has a responsibility to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and any other person who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Users should co-operate with SVHT in efforts to comply with statutory requirements and the health and safety policy, in particular all users should:

  • Conduct all activities in a safe and considerate manner

  • Use any equipment provided according to instructions

  • Report and record incidents on the premises that have led, or may lead, to injury or damage

  • Make suggestions to improve health and safety for users of the hall

  • Ensure agreed measures are introduced to reduce or manage identified health and safety risks

General Arrangements


The first aid box is located in the kitchen area.

The delegated Health and Safety Officer is responsible for maintaining the first aid box.

The Health and Safety Officer will inform the Trustees and Maintenance Officer of all incidents as well as suggestions to improve Health and Safety.

Fire Safety

Smoke detectors will be in place and regularly checked.

Fire exit signs will be clearly displayed.

All fire safety equipment will be regularly checked.

There is a no smoking policy for all rooms on the premises and signs will be in place.

On discovery of a fire the person concerned must raise the alarm and ensure that everyone evacuates the premises.


The Maintenance Officer will ensure that all regular safety checks on lighting, electrical and fire equipment are carried out.

Any complaints about the safety of the hall will be seriously investigated as will suggestions to improve the Health and Safety.

The Complaints Policy is attached as part of the Health and Safety Policy.


SVHT will ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, people who enter the premises will not be exposed to any health or safety hazard. Users will be instructed on the procedure for locking the premises and ensuring that all appliances are switched off.

Risk assessment

An on-going risk assessment will be kept.  The current risk assessment is attached as part of the Health and Safety Policy.

This will be a ‘live’ document that records all identified risks; measures currently in place to address the risk, and what action is taken to obviate same within an agreed timeline identifying dates and responsible persons.

Any users of the Hall – be they hirers, contractors or visitors – should report any risks they identify to the Trustees immediately.

Version 2 Reviewed June 2023


The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Hiring of Premises Policy



The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to ensure that all individuals and groups associated with the management and use of the hall are aware of The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust’s (SVHT) aim to support a provision through the hiring of the hall, to promote the best interests of the charity and its beneficiaries.



Our aim is to make the Village Hall the social hub of our community.  The individuals falling within the scope of this policy include, the committee and Trustees who are promoting and managing the hall on behalf of the community and charity and all users of the hall.


Guide lines

The Stalisfield Village Hall is available to all members of the community and to organisations outside of that community providing that the trustees are of the opinion that such an activity does not conflict with the Trust’s Governing Document.


The Hall is maintained both for:


1. The staging of activities by the Village Hall Committee for the general good of the community of Stalisfield and neighbouring districts. 


2. The hiring of the hall by local user groups and the general public.


Use of the hall for a function where the primary objective is deemed to support the best interests of SVHT  beneficiaries will take precedence over other uses.  Every attempt will be made to accommodate other prospective users.


As a general principal when two or more prospective hirers apply for the same date and their requirements do not allow for compromise, the earliest application will take preference.


Hirers will agree to recompense the Hall for damage and breakages occurring as a result of their activities.


Hirers wishing to serve alcoholic drink must ensure that they are complying with Licensing Laws.


Any individual or group wishing to hire the hall where children or vulnerable adultd will be present must acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to SVHT Safeguarding policy.


Hirers will be given a written agreement with the above requirements and will be expected to sign their assent.


Charging Structure

The hourly charge for the Stalisfield Village Hall will be reviewed and set by the Trustees annually, bearing in mind the costs incurred in maintaining the Hall and in line with the charges common among similar village halls.


At the discretion of the trustees, activities deemed to be of outstanding service to the community may be offered discounted charges for both Hall and equipment.


The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Volunteer Policy



The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to individuals wishing to volunteer to help Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT).  SVHT believes in equal opportunities and diversity. We aim to deliver a varied range of activities within the Hall, which promote a cohesive community.



Our aim is to make the Village Hall the social hub of our community.  We involve volunteers to ensure that our events meet the requirements of our community and increase our contact with villagers. The individuals falling within the scope of this policy include Trustees, Committee Members and other Volunteers.



Villagers are encouraged to volunteer and every effort is made to match their skills to tasks to ensure their full potential is realised.



All volunteers will have any monies relating to village hall expenditure reimbursed when a receipt is provided.


Training and Support

Training will be provided as appropriate.  Volunteers can also contact any member of the Trustees.


No volunteer will have unsupervised access to children unless appropriately vetted.  Should checks become necessary they will be undertaken in compliance appropriate legislation.



All volunteers are covered by SVHT’s insurance policy whilst they are on the premises or engaged in any work on SVHT’s behalf.


Other Hall Policies

Volunteers will have access to all SVHT’s policies and must have an understanding and commitment to them.


Health and Safety

Volunteers are covered by SVHT’s Health and Safety Policy and also should make every effort to operate in a safe manner.



All volunteers are required to observe confidentially where appropriate.

Version 1 Reviewed July 2023


The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Diversity/Equal Opportunities Policy


To state the policy of SVHT on Diversity and Equality of Opportunity issues in relation to the use of Stalisfield Village Hall.



The aim of SVHT is to make the Village Hall the social hub of the community.  The hall will be used by local people – but also on an ad-hoc basis by others as a venue for various events including weddings and celebrations.  The individuals falling within the scope of the policy include Trustees, Committee members, employees, job applicants, volunteers and users of the hall.  SVHT recognises that everyone has a contribution to make to society, and a respect for diversity and equality issues is essential to make this work.



No job applicant or employee, member of committee, volunteer, or organisation/individual to which we provide services will be discriminated against by SVHT on the grounds of:

  • Gender (including sex, marital status, gender re-assignment)

  • Race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality or national origin)

  • Disability

  • Sexual orientation

  • Religion or belief

  • Promotion of respect for diversity and Equality of Opportunity will be achieved by the following;

  • Opposing all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination

  • Treating all users of the hall, in whatever capacity, fairly and with respect

  • Ensuring the hire of the hall is open to all potential users, subject to availability, agreement to the Terms & Conditions of use of the hall, and compliance with those Terms & conditions.These state a specific requirement to adhere to policies

  • Any employment vacancies will be advertised fairly, and will include a copy of this policy

  • Selection for employment, volunteering, any form of training or other benefit will be made on the basis of aptitude and ability.All selection/rejection decisions will be recorded

  • Employees, volunteers, and users of the hall have a legal and moral obligation not to discriminate on the grounds stated in the definition - against individuals or groups, and must report any such incident to a Trustee of SVHT.All responsible parties will be made aware of policies and required to read same

  • To create an environment in which individual difference, and the contributions of all employees, volunteers and users of the hall are respected, recognised and valued

  • To create an environment where all users, in whatever capacity, understand that they are part of an environment that promotes dignity and respect for all, and where intimidation, bullying, and harassment will not be tolerated

Dealing with Complaints

  • The Trustees will take complaints of discrimination and harassment very seriously.

  • They will investigate them thoroughly, and provide opportunities for the person making the complaint to speak in a safe environment about their experience.

  • If the complaint is against a particular individual, the Trustees will hear their point of view.

  • The Trustees will decide the action to take based on the principle of ensuring the continued inclusion and safety of any member who has experienced discrimination or harassment.


This policy will be monitored, and subject to annual review

Reviewed and amended April 2023


The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) – Data Protection & Privacy Policy


Personal data is information about a person which is identifiable as being about them. It can be stored electronically or on paper and includes images and audio recordings as well as written information.

Data protection is about how we, as an organisation, ensure we protect the rights and privacy of individuals, and comply with the law, when collecting, storing, using, amending, sharing, destroying or deleting personal data.


Overall and final responsibility for data protection lies with the Stalisfield Village Hall Trustees, who are responsible for overseeing activities and ensuring this policy is upheld.

All volunteers are responsible for observing this policy, and related procedures, in all areas of their work for the group.


Overall policy statement

Stalisfield Village Hall Trust needs to keep personal data about its committee, members, volunteers and supporters in order to carry out group activities.

We will collect, store, use, amend, share, destroy or delete personal data only in ways which protect people’s privacy and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant legislation.

We will only collect, store and use the minimum amount of data that we need for clear purposes, and will not collect, store or use data we do not need.

We will only collect, store and use data for:

  • purposes for which the individual has given explicit consent, or

  • purposes that are in our group’s legitimate interests, or

  • contracts with the individual whose data it is, or

  • to comply with legal obligations, or

  • to protect someone’s life, or

  • to perform public tasks.

We will provide individuals with details of the data we have about them when requested by the relevant individual.

We will delete data if requested by the relevant individual, unless we need to keep it for legal reasons.

We will endeavour to keep personal data up-to-date and accurate.

We will store personal data securely.

We will keep clear records of the purposes of collecting and holding specific data, to ensure it is only used for these purposes.

We will not share personal data with third parties without the explicit consent of the relevant individual, unless legally required to do so.

We will endeavour not to have data breaches. In the event of a data breach, we will endeavour to rectify the breach by getting any lost or shared data back. We will evaluate our processes and understand how to avoid it happening again. Serious data breaches which may risk someone’s personal rights or freedoms will be reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours, and to the individual concerned.


Complaints Procedure

If you believe that Stalisfield Village Hall Trust has not complied with GDPR legislation or the commitments undertaken in this Data Protection and Privacy policy, please put you complaint in writing to . As required by the Information Commissioner’s Office, we will endeavour to respond to your complaint within one calendar month, although complex requests may take up to 3 months to respond to.


Reviewed and amended  April 2023



The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Risk Assessment Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to relevant individuals who are involved with managing the The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) and its associated activities to ensure that a risk assessment is carried out and maintained.



This policy outlines the process for the carrying out of risk assessments.  The risk assessments relate to activities conducted within The Stalisfield Village Hall.  The individuals falling within scope of this policy include Trustees, Committee Members, Volunteers and employees.



A Health and Safety and Fire risk assessment to be carried out in accordance with Health and Safety and Fire requirements for activities conducted within The Stalisfield Village Hall.


Roles and Responsibilities

A Health and Safety policy which will include Fire Safety will be maintained and reviewed regularly by the Trustees.

A Heatlth and Safety and Fire risk assessment procedure template will be maintained and reviewed regularly by the Trustees.

The Trustee responsible for Health and Safety will carry out such risk assessments with representative(s) from Trustees, Committee Members, Volunteers, employees and or users, as appropriate.

Our current risk assessment can be viewed here.



The Stalisfield Village Hall Trust (SVHT) Complaints Policy

Stalisfield Village Hall Trustees are committed to maintaining a strong partnership with members of the local community and users of the village hall.

We are open to feedback and comments about our work, both positive and negative as these can provide us with valuable information about our effectiveness and how we can better meet our aims.

If any user of the Village Hall or member of the local community is unhappy about the standard of service provided, the quality of the facilities within the Hall, the safety of users, the handling of a particular situation or issue or any other matter, the Trustees would seek to rectify this.

The Stalisfield Village Hall Trustees are committed to equal opportunities and take complaints about discrimination very seriously. 

Our complaints procedure has been adopted to ensure that most complaints are resolved quickly and smoothly.

Definition of a complaint

 A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about Stalisfield Village Hall.  All complaints should be raised within 3 months months from any incident or issue.

Complaints may come from members of the public or persons and organisations using the hall,  local residents, suppliers or their representatives.  A complaint can be received by email or letter.


All complaints will be handled sensitively and confidentially and in accordance with data protection requirements. 

The Trustees will not discriminate in any way in their handling of complaints.

Anyone receiving a complaint should be respectful and calm taking the time to understand your complaint.  We may ask for more detail in order clarify circumstances or context.


Overall responsibility for complaints lies with the Stalisfield Village Hall Trustees.  

Procedure for handling complaints

Complaints should be emailed to or sent to The Trustees.   Please make clear all the relevant facts in relation to your complaint and include your name and contact details.

The Trustees aim to acknowledge complaints within 7 days and to give a written response within 2 weeks.  If the complaint is judged to involve complex issues, complainants will be informed of progress within 2 weeks and informed when to expect a final response.


 The main aim is to resolve complaints as quickly as possible and to everyone’s satisfaction.

We take every complaint seriously and treat everyone who complains with respect and courtesy.  Any safety concerns will be dealt with immediately.

Version 1 July 2023

Conflict of Interests
Health & Safety
Volunteer Policy
Diversity/Equal Opportunities Policy
Data Protection Policy ​
Risk Assessment Policy
Complaints policy



Stalisfield Village Hall Policies

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