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Stalisfield Village Hall Hire Charges

Event insurance is required for all parties, large and public events - Please see terms and conditions

Provence Style Dinner Set

​Large Event Rate

Books the Hall from 5pm the day before the event, all day for the event, and then until 11am the following day.


Resident of Stalisfield or Otterden






Deposit required £250


This allows you plenty of time for setting up before and clearing up after your event. Perfect for weddings and larger scale-events.

Pilates Work Out

Hourly Rate

Suitable for meetings, classes etc.


Resident of Stalisfield or Otterden






Deposit required £25 - £100 depending on the booking


Can be booked to recur weekly or monthly for regular classes.


You are given a free hour after your booking to clean the hall and make it ready for the next booking.

Happy Hour

Evening Party Rate

Books the Hall from 5pm - Midnight




Resident of Stalisfield or Otterden






Deposit required £100


This allows for a couple of hours either side of the event to set up before and clear up afterwards.

Birthday Cake

Afternoon Party Rate

Books the hall for any 5 hours before 6pm. Suitable for children's parties, family gatherings, etc


Resident of Stalisfield or Otterden






Deposit required £25 - £100 depending on the booking


Includes set-up and cleaning time. Extra hours before 6pm can be booked at the hourly rate

Terms and conditions


(Please also familiarise yourself with the hall user risk assessment to ensure the hall is suitable for your purposes).


All users on hiring the hall must consent to adhere to the conditions set out below and to the Stalisfield Village Hall policies.  Copies of these policies are available on our website.  We ask that the hirer conduct their activities in a safe and considerate manner.  A booking will only be accepted once the hirer signs the BOOKING FORM confirming both understanding and compliance


Refundable retention against damage and nuisance

A refundable retention against damage and nuisance sum (RADN) will be added to the hire charge.  The RADN is retained until after the event and will be used to repair or replace any damage, it does not preclude further action should damage be extensive:  the whole sum or a portion of this sum will be returned by BACS within 14 days provided that the hall is left clean, tidy, in good condition, and no nuisance has been caused to residents.  All excess rubbish must be removed, along with any equipment brought to the hall for your event, by the end of the hire period. The post-hire cleaning requirements can be found here: cleaning checklist


Event Insurance

Applicable to hall hire for all large events (resident and non-resident bookings); parties (non-resident); children’s parties (non-resident) and commercial hires open to members of the public (resident and non-resident)

  • The hirer must have insurance against their liability for personal injury and property damage incurred in connection with activities they conduct at the hall with a limit of indemnity of no less than £5 million per claim, for short - event insurance. (An example of a company offering such insurance  is Event Insurance . The village hall receives a small introducer's fee from them, but there are many other companies offering comparable event insurance you can use).


To guarantee a booking the hirer must

  1. pay the full amount of the invoice (both RADN and hire charge) and

  2. Produce a copy of the Event Insurance Policy (where applicable)


  • All excess rubbish MUST be removed, along with any equipment brought to the hall for the event.  A maximum of 6 dustbin bags may be left in the large bin provided there is room for them, the remainder must be removed.  


  • By signing the BOOKING FORM the hirer recognises that they are responsible for the safety and conduct of their guests.  Children should not be allowed outside the premises unattended


  • There is no telephone at the premises, the hirer must ensure that they have access to such in order to call the emergency services if necessary


  • Stalisfield Village Hall has a strict no smoking/no vaping policy on the premises.


  • Any event for children (under 18 years) or adults at risk MUST produce, when applying for hire, a Safeguarding Policy, Risk assessment and evidence of DBS checks.THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO PRIVATE PARTIES FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.


  • Do not obstruct the fire exit routes/doors including the main entrance and path to the hall.


  • Any electrical equipment brought to the hall must have been PAT tested for safety.


  • If the hirer intends to carry out a licensable activity during your event they must apply for a Temporary Event Notice from Swale Borough Council. Details of which, and an application form, can be found


  • The hirer may only access the hall for the time for which it is booked and paid for.The hall is NOT to be used as overnight accommodation.


  • If the hirer wishes to put up decorations for an event, they must use the hooks that are already in place.  Sellotape, blue tack or any other form of adhesive is not to be used, as this damages paint on woodwork, ceilings and walls.


  • Music must not be played after 11pm at the latest and the hall must be quietly vacated by 12 midnight at the latest. The village hall is situated in a rural residential area. Please ensure you and your guests don’t disturb the residents of the village during your booking and on departure.


  • It is the duty of the hirer to ensure that persons using the hall and the outside areas are safe during the period of hire. Without limiting this general duty:

  1. The outside areas are uneven ground. If the hirer intends to use outside areas they must inspect them and assess the risk of the intended use

  2. At the start of the hire period the hirer shall inspect the hall and, if applicable the outside areas. If the hirer identifies any hazard, they shall notify the responsible person. Details of such persons are shown on the notice board.

  3. If during the hire period the hirer identifies any hazard in the hall, or if applicable the outside areas, they shall take immediate steps to remove it, or if the hazard cannot be removed they shall take immediate steps to ensure the safety of persons using the hall or outside area. Warning signs and tape are available, these are situated in the storage cupboard


  • The hirer must be aware of the exact location of the First aid box, situated in the kitchen


  • The hirer is permitted to bring installations or equipment for example bouncy castles, pergolas, and games within the hall or grounds, but only on condition that:

  1. The equipment shall not include items made of highly inflammable materials

  2. The hirer has conducted a risk assessment of the intended use of the equipment in the hall or grounds

  3. Barbecues are permitted in the outside area, but the hirer is responsible for the safe conduct in relation to possible damage or injury

  4. The equipment is erected and used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and guidance

  5. The equipment is used in compliance with all applicable Health & Safety Executive and industry rules and guidance for the use of the equipment

  6. Without limitation of the above, equipment for children’s play is supervised by a responsible adult at all times it is in use; and

  7. Persons from whom the equipment is hired have appropriate liability insurance of not less than GBP £5 MILLION per claim


  • The releasing of fireworks, Chinese lanterns, and helium balloons is prohibited at the hall and the surrounding areas. It is not permitted to light bonfires at the premises.


  • Sanitary items, wipes and nappies are not to be flushed down the toilets as the hall is not served by mains drainage.


  • The hall must be left clean and tidy, ready for the next booking. Floors must be left clean. All washing up should be put away and any hall equipment used, such as tables and chairs, must be wiped clean. (See Post Event Checklist for Hirers).


If the hirer would like to advise us of any health and safety or maintenance concerns or issues please leave a comment in the notebook provided or, if urgent and needing immediate attention, please contact the responsible person (details on notice board)


Terms and conditions Version 9  Revised 09/08/2022

Amended with Post Event Checklist link 19/04/2024


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